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Throat & Third Eye Chakras




Lace Agate-Unakite-Green Aventurine- Rose Quartz

Root & Heart Chakra 




Red Jasper-Carnelian

Sacral & Root Chakras





Throat & Heart Chakras



Red Jasper  ( Nurturing Stone ) - Brings tranquility & wholeness. Aligns the physical & emotional & helps balance yin & yang.


Lapis ( Truth Stone ) - Brings objectivity & clarity encourages communication taking charge of life.


Carnelian ( Courage Stone ) - A stabilizing stone helps restores vitality & motivation & clarity.


Rhodonite ( First-Aid Stone ) - Brings one back to center & balance. Aligns the soul to vibrational love.


Sodalite  ( Logic Stone ) - Brings order & calmness to the mind. Encourages rational thought & objectivity, truth & intuition.


Unakite  ( Vision Stone ) - Brings abundance & nurturing energy. Promotes visualization & insight.


Fluorite ( Aura Stone ) - Brings stability & assists in balance & heightens awareness.


Rose Quartz  ( Love Stone ) - Opens your heart so that you become receptive .Promotes unconditional love & infinite peace.


Amethyst ( Soul Stone ) - Brings natural tranquility & promotes love of the divine encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.


Lace Agate  ( Happy Stone ) - Brings joy & happiness. Promotes mental agility & encourages flexibility in thinking & action. Helps connect with spirit guides & angels.


Green Aventurine ( Stone of Opportunity ) - Promotes compassion & empathy. Encourages perseverance & enhances creativity.


Jade (  Dream Stone ) - Brings harmony & helps increases love & abundance.


  Blue Apatite ( Stone  of Inspiration)  -  Helps aid in communication and self- expression. Helps to access information to be used personally & for the collective good.


O Stones Gemstone Pendants

Beautiful gemstone pendants Dvstudio11.c


The O Stones Pendants are set in silver with an open circular back. O Stones Pendants have their own healing and protective properties so the opening allows the stone to be in contact with your body, and your energy at all times.


O Stones relate to elements of nature, direction, and chakras that help balance us in the chaos of our busy lives. The "Circle" symbolizes the infinite space or "Akasha" that reminds us of our significance while keeping our perspective centralized.



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